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King City Schools


Gentry County Spelling Bee

Gentry County Spelling Bee held in Stanberry on Feb. 8. Mason Graff--7th grade written contest-2nd place Kalia   Vang--6th grade written contest--2nd place

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KCE Welcomes Parent Volunteers

Andrew McCrea is pictured with his children Luke and Alison. He spent the day volunteering at school. If you're interested please contact the school office for more information on how to voluteer.

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Christmas Program

2017 Christmas Program was a success!

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2017 Homecoming Week

Connect 4 day brings out the creativity throughout the school.

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Construction Progress

Here's a picture of the progress as on September 27, 2017.

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6th Graders preparing to give STUCO speeches before the student body votes.

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Wonder Club

Wonder Club gives students a chance to work with Robots.

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King City Elementary DAR Winners

4-6 DAR Winners from King City Elementary

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King City Elementary Names 6th Grade Valedictorian and Salutatorian

Mason Graff- Valedictorian and Samuel Derks- Salutatorian 

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Oh, the Places You'll Go Class of 2029!

Class of 2029 Graduates from Kindergarten!

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The Little Red Hen's Garden

Stone Lion Puppet Theatre of Kansas City Presents   The Little Red Hen's Garden. Sponsored by: King City School District, King City Parents As Teachers, and King City Parents Teacher Organization (PTO)   . . .

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Citizen Bank and Trust Gives Back

On St. Patrick's Day Amanda Potter and Missy Oliver from King City's Citizen Bank and Trust awarded principal, Ryan Anderson with a check. The $1038.90 check is from money accumulated from Citizen Bank & Trust Wildkats Visa . . .

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KCE 2nd Graders Promote Kid Power Bands for UNICEF

Mrs. Washburn and Mrs. Walter's 2nd Graders would like for everyone to get a Kid Power Band to help save a child's life while exercising. They introduced the UNICEF program to the student body Friday morning.

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King City Elementary Presents 3rd Quarter Leadership Awards

St. Patrick's Days and 3rd Quarter Leadership Awards

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King City High School Presents Play

On March 17 & 18, 2017 The Cast of this years play showcased their talents by performing, Don't Rock The Boat , by Tim Kelly.

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King City R-1 CSIP Planning Meeting

King City School District along with community members and board members working on a New CSIP plan

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King City Elementary Career Day

On March 8, 2017 King City Elementary held a Career Day at the school. Nine volunteers visited PK-6th grade classrooms and shared about their occupations.Many were local community members and King City Alumni.THANK YOU to all the Career Day . . .

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2017 Geography Bee

Congratulations Landon Wells!

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2nd Quarter Awards Assembly

On January 6, 2017 King City Elementary recognized students for Leadership and Academics.

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2016 Basketball Mini Cheer

On December 9, 2016 PK-6 grade King City Girls performed Disney Cheers for the King City Wildkat fans.

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The King City School District Student Body Celebrates Our Veterans

On November 11, 2016, the King City Student Body, celebrated out Veterans with an assembly. King City's own Mrs. Hanson, presented a speech sharing her Marine Corps journey and thanking all the Veterans for their service.

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King City Elementary Fall Parade was Spooktacular

On October 28th the King City Elementary Student body celebrated the season with a SPOOKTACULAR fall parade and classroom parties.

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King City Elementary Homecoming

Click on the link for more photos.

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Grandparents Day at King City R-1

Anna Garlock read the book, "Reading Dreams" by Thomas Kirschner to the students of King City Elementary and their grandparents for a Grandparents Day. Anna Garlock, who illustrated the book also modeled how she . . .

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Elementary News

Elementary News  

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